Sunday, September 12, 2010

Plan 9

Plan 9 From Outer Space has been dubbed the worst movie of all time. A black and white horror flick starring a recently deceased Bela Lugosi made for just $60,000 in the late 1950s. So when I sat down over the weekend to watch it for the first time my expectations were pretty low.

But I was pleasantly surprised. Sure the headstones wobble in the graveyard, the flying saucers have visible strings attached and continuity is patchy - but it's not that bad. It was directed by the infamous Edward D Wood Jnr. He made movies on the cheap, rarely did more than one take and didn't bother too much with the little details.

If you see Plan 9 From Outer Space going out cheap on DVD...or it's being screened on a cable channel late at night - do yourself a favour!

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